HFM Forum


The HFM Forum is the main place for information sharing and status updates from all work packages in the HFM Programme. Meetings are announced by the Programme Leader and are held online in the Thursday 9:30-11:00 timeslot.

HFM Forum


Indico Link


HFM forum - novel protection methods: eCLIQ and ESC 21/03/2025 HFM forum - novel protection methods: eCLIQ and ESC (21 March 2025) · Indico

- eCLIQ protection test on SMC
- First test of ESC protection in small model coil

HFM forum: HFM solenoids for muon collider 20/03/2025 HFM forum - HTS solenoids for muon collider (20 March 2025) · Indico - Solenoids for Muon collider
HFM MDP forum: fits of Nb3Sn critical surface 20/02/2025 HFM-MDP forum: fits of Nb3Sn critical surface (20 February 2025) · Indico - Fits for jc in Nb3Sn
- Fits of Nb3Sn critical surface, APC case
HFM MDP forum: Bin5, a 1.6 T BSCCO dipole based on CCT design 13/02/2025 HFM-MDP forum: Bin5, a 1.6 T BSCCO dipole based on CCT design (13 February 2025) · Indico - Manufacturing and test of Bin5, a BSCCO dipole based on CCT design
HFM forum: material and structure 06/02/2025 HFM forum: material and structure (6 February 2025) · Indico - Activities on material and structure
HFM forum: news, guidelines for design, and model activities 23/01/2025 HFM forum - news, guidelines for design, and model activities (23 January 2025) · Indico - HFM news on structure
- Tentative guidelines for magnet design
- Modeling activities in 4.1: report on 2024 and future activities
HFM forum: societal impact 19/12/2024 HFM forum - societal impact (19 December 2024) · Indico - HFM Scientific and Societal Impact: preliminary findings and discussion about priorities
- Update of R2D2 and F2D2 main design parameters
HFM forum: design of common coils 12/12/2024 HFM forum: design of common coils (12 December 2024) · Indico - Design of stress-managed common coil at PSI (SMCC)
- Design of common coil 14 T magnet in CIEMAT (DAISY)
HFM talk at FCC Scientific Advisory Committee 20/11/2024 HFM talk at FCC Scientific Advisory Committee (20 November 2024) · Indico - FCC-hh cryo magnet system and integration
HFM-MDP forum: HD3 Test at CERN 18/11/2024 HD3 test at CERN (18 November 2024) · Indico - Presentation of the most recent HD3 test results
- Priorities for test
HFM Forum - Nb3Sn internal oxidation and RMM test 07/11/2024 HFM forum - Nb3Sn internal oxidation (November 7, 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Development of internal Sn Nb3Sn wires with internal oxidation
- Test of RMM1d
HFM Forum Meeting  17/10/2024 HFM forum - cooling (17 October 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Cooling at 4.5 K in the FCC-hh
HFM Forum Meeting  26/09/2024 HFM forum - power losses measurements in magnets (September 26, 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Hysteresis losses in Eurocircle: model and measurements
- Hysteresis losses measurements in Nb3Sn and HTS magnets
HFM-MDP forum: APC in Nb3Sn 18/09/2024 HFM-MDP forum: APC in Nb3Sn (18 September 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Recent progress in APC in Nb3Sn conductor
HFM Forum Meeting  29/08/2024 Overview of Nb3Sn magnet designs (August 29, 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Overview of Nb3Sn magnet designs
HFM-MDP forum: TFD design and plans 28/08/2024 HFM-MDP forum: TFD design and plans (August 28, 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - The high field dipole TFD: design and plans
HFM Forum Meeting  18/07/2024 HFM forum (18 July 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Conceptual design of SMCC
- Preliminary test results of small scale SMCC at CERN
HFM Forum Meeting  11/07/2024 HFM forum (11 July 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Actions taken in the past six months and outlook for the rest of 2024
- Transport of cold masses in the 40-80 tons range
HFM-MDP forum: 20T designs and results 10/07/2024 HFM-MDP forum: 20 T designs and results (July 10, 2024) · Indico (cern.ch)  
HFM Forum Meeting  30/05/2024 HFM forum meeting (30 May 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Design and plans for 4 layer cos theta 14 T dipole
- First R2D2 coil, and status of CEA program including SMC and F2D2
HFM Forum Meeting 16/05/2024 HFM forum (16 May 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - RMM program: past, present and future
- Training at 1.9 K and 4.5 K: a conditioning phenomenon?
HFM Forum Meeting - INFN FalconD and CERN RMM 28/03/2024 HFM Forum Meeting - INFN FalconD and CERN RMM (March 28, 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - FalconD design and plans
- Quench protection and detection: status and update
HFM Forum Meeting - CIEMAT and PSI Common Coils 21/03/2024 HFM Forum Meeting - CIEMAT and PSI Common Coils (March 21, 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - ISAAC, a first common coil with EMRC coils: features and plans
- Common coil design at PSI preliminary studies
HFM Forum Meeting 29/02/2024 HFM Forum Meeting (29 February 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Plans and organization for 2024 activities of HFM Programme
HFM meeting with RD coordinators and WP leaders 15/02/204 HFM meeting with RD coordinators and WP leaders (15 February 2024) · Indico (cern.ch) - Plans and organization for 2024 activities of HFM Programme
3rd HFM RD Line3 Forum meeting 20/12/2023 RD Line 3 third Forum meeting - Nb3Sn Magnets (December 20, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Activities of the WP3.1 at CERN
- Activities of the WP3.4 at CERN
- Activities of the WP3.2 at INFN
- Activities of WP3.5 at CERN
- Activities of WP3.6, WP3.12 at CEA
- Activities of WP3.7 at CIEMAT
- Activities at PSI
3rd HFM RD Line1 Forum meeting  12/12/2023 RD Line 1 third Forum meeting - Nb3Sn Conductors (December 12, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Internal oxidation and wire reinforcement - UNIGE
4th HFM RD Line4 Forum meeting  05/12/2023 RD Line 4 fourth Forum meeting - Modelling Tools, Materials Protection and Cryogenics (December 5, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Modelisation of impregnated Nb3Sn cable composite at CEA
- Modelisation of impregnated Nb3Sn cable composite at CERN
- Modelisation of impregnated Nb3Sn cable composite at CERN
- Modelisation of impregnated Nb3Sn cable composite at CIEMAT
- Modelisation of impregnated Nb3Sn cable composite at INFN
- Modelisation of impregnated Nb3Sn cable composite at PSI
3rd HFM RD Line4 Forum meeting  10/10/2023 RD Line 4 third Forum meeting - Modelling Tools, Materials Protection and Cryogenics (October 10, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - CoCaSCOPE – Mesh Generator and Behaviour Representation of Nb3Sn conductors at CEA Paris-Saclay
- Recent mesh development of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables at CERN
- Approach and status of the structural material study
2nd HFM RD Line2 Forum meeting  04/10/2023 RD Line 2 second Forum meeting - HTS Conductors and HTS Magnet Technologies (October 4, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Activities of the WP2.1 at KIT
- Activities of the WP2.2 and 2.5 at CERN
- Activities of the WP 2.3 at UNIGE
- Activities at INFN
- Activities of the WP 2.7 at U-Twente
- Activities of the WP2.11 – at CEA
- Activities at PSI related to RD2
2nd HFM RD Line3 Forum meeting   20/09/2023 RD Line 3 second Forum meeting - Nb3Sn Magnets (September 20, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Activities of the WP3.1, WP3.4 at CERN
- Activities of the WP3.2 at INFN
- Activities of WP3.5 at CERN
- Activities of WP3.6, WP3.12 at CEA
- Activities of WP3.7 at CIEMAT
- Activities at PSI
2nd HFM RD Line4 Forum meeting  08/08/2023 RD Line 4 second Forum meeting - Quench Protection and Cryogenics (August 8, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Activities of WP4.5 at CERN
- Activities of WP4.6 at CERN
1st HFM RD Line2 Forum meeting  02/05/2023 RD Line 2 kick-off Forum meeting - HTS Conductors and HTS Magnet Technologies (May 2, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Introduction to the activities of the WP2.1 at KIT
- Introduction to the activities of the WP2.2 and 2.5 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of the WP 2.3 at UNIGE
- Introduction to the activities of WP 2.6 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of the WP 2.7 at U-Twente
- Introduction to the activities of the WP2.11 – at CEA
- Introduction to the activities at PSI related to RD2
1st HFM RD Line4 Forum meeting  18/04/2023 RD Line 4 kick-off Forum meeting - Modelling Tools, Materials Protection and Cryogenics (April 18, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Introduction to the activities of the WP4.1 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of the WP4.2 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of the WP4.3 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of WP4.5 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of WP4.6 at CERN
- PSI - Overview of the R&D activities on material structure and insulation
- Introduction to the activities at CEA linked to RD4
- Protection design and modelling at TAU
- Introduction to the activities of WP4.4 at ETHZ/CHART
2nd HFM RD Line1 Forum meeting  17/04/2023 RD Line 1 Forum meeting - Nb3Sn Conductors (2nd meeting) (April 17, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Phase formation in Nb-Sn-Cu-X systems - activities of Freiberg
1st HFM RD Line5 Forum meeting  22/03/2023 RD Line 5 kick-off Forum meeting - Infrastructures and Measurement Techniques (March 22, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Introduction to the activities of the WP 5.1 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of the WP5.2 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of the WP5.3 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of WP5.4 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of WP5.5 at CERN
1st HFM RD Line3 Forum meeting  22/02/2023 RD Line 3 kick-off Forum meeting - Nb3Sn Magnets (February 22, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Introduction to the activities of the WP3.1, WP3.4 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of the WP3.2 at INFN
- Introduction to the activities of the WP3.3 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of WP3.5 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of WP3.6 at CEA
- Introduction to the activities of WP3.7 at CIEMAT
- Introduction to the activities of WP3.8 at PSI
1st HFM RD Line1 Forum meeting  16/02/2023 RD Line 1 kickoff Forum meeting - Nb3Sn Conductors (February 16, 2023) · Indico (cern.ch) - Introduction to the activities of the WP1.1 at CERN
- Introduction to the activities of the WP1.2 at BAF
- Introduction to the activities of the WP1.3 at UNIGE
- Introduction to the activities at University of Twente





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