Existing collaboration Institutes 

Institution & Link





The current activities aim to advance the understanding of internal oxidation in Nb3Sn with Hf and Ta. Experiments in model samples and wires are utilized to gain insights into the phase transformations involved.



Demonstrate enhanced critical current density in Nb3Sn wires using scalable fabrication methods suitable for industrial production.

Define the electromechanical limits of commercial and R&D Nb3Sn wires through tests simulating operational constraints in accelerator magnets.



Development of tailored HTS-wires for magnet and energy applications.
Commissioning of ReBCO CC deposition equipment.



Development of a test rig for a systematic study of bonding and delamination issues in ReBCO Roebel cables samples including a first demonstration test at 77 K.

CNR-SPIN Development of iron-based superconducting wire for the high-field magnet (HFM) R&D programme.



The design and manufacture of a 16 T dipole model.
Three generations of FalconD end spacers were developed.



Preliminary research and development relating to the conception of MI racetrack coil fabrication.

Collaborate and establish technical steps towards the building of a 16T F2D2 dipole magnet.



Conceptual design of the Spanish HFM dipole magnet with a common  coil, featuring simplified mechanics and production in the new CIEMAT magnet laboratory. 



CHART MagDev @ PSI explores stress-management concepts to reduce the stress on Nb3Sn conductor.



Initial characterization of state-of-the-art systems, followed by research on improved fracture toughness at cryogenic temperatures.


To develop and industrialize advanced high-field Nb3Sn conductors with enhanced characteristics, achieving critical performance targets such as a Jc of at least 1100 A/mm² at 4.2 K and 16 T. Additionally, the project focuses on further R&D improvements to reach a Jc of 1500 A/mm² while ensuring sufficient mechanical strength and feasibility for mass production.


Modelling and measurement of dynamic behaviour and AC losses in REBCO cables for accelerator applications; 
Insulated REBCO pancake coil technology and REBCO insert magnets for 20 T system at CERN.