RD3 – Nb3Sn Magnets 

The main goals of the RD3 Line are:

  • Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnet
  • Design and demonstrate a long dipole magnet with performance in the range of 12T
  • Seek cost-effective engineering solutions, suitable for large-scale production
  • Ultimate Nb3Sn Magnet Technology
  • Pursue and accelerate the work started in the frame of the FCC Magnet Development Program towards 16T dipole models (through collaborations)
  • Explore alternatives and develop design and technology for ultimate performance Nb3Sn magnets

The Work Packages of the RD3 Line are the following:

  • WP3.1  Design, TDP & mat. Nb3Sn robust 12T Falcon D models - CERN WP
  • WP3.2  12T Nb3Sn cosΘ dipole - INFN collaboration KE4102
  • WP3.3  Nb3Sn long prototype - CERN WP
  • WP3.4  Nb3Sn magnet Technology Development Program (TDP) - CERN WP
  • WP3.5  Nb3Sn 14T block dipole - CERN WP
  • WP3.6  Nb3Sn R2D2 racetrack dipole demonstrator - CEA collaboration KE3782
  • WP3.7  Nb3Sn 14T common coil dipole - CIEMAT collaboration KE3920
  • WP3.8  Nb3Sn ultimate performance coil stress management dipole model - PSI/CHART collaboration KE4808 (Completed)
  • WP3.11 Nb3Sn 14T cos theta dipole - INFN collaboration (In pipeline)
  • WP3.12 Nb3Sn 14T block dipole - CEA collaboration KE5655
  • WP3.14 Nb3Sn stress managed common coil dipole - PSI/CHART  collaboration KE5943

